About Us
Our Story
In 1964, it was decided that the Kindergarten should establish its own identity. The Brisbane City Council was approached and donated the land in Harty Street, Coorparoo. The building began its life in Toowoomba prior to the turn of the century, before being transported by road to the corner of Cavendish Road and Goring Street, Coorparoo, for a Mister and Mrs Harrison. It served as the Harrison residence for many years, when, after Mrs Harrison’s death, the front section was converted for use as the Coorparoo Clinic. When the property was subsequently acquired by an oil company, the building was purchased by the Kindergarten Trustees for removal to Harty Street. Upon its completion, Mrs Jones Senior, the mother of the then Lord Mayor of Brisbane, (Alderman Clem Jones), officially opened the Kindergarten at its new site. The name – St. Stephen’s Kindergarten – was retained, although there was no longer any association with the St. Stephen’s church.
The Centre became affiliated with the Creche & Kindergarten Association of Queensland in 1967. In 1979, the name was officially changed to the Harty Street Community Kindergarten and Preschool Association. It is now an Incorporated Association.
Harty Street Kindergarten C&K is built on the traditional lands of the Yuggera and Turrbal peoples and we wish to acknowledge them as the Traditional Owners of the land. We are also grateful to the past communities of parents who have contributed to the building, management and operation of our kindergarten.
Natural Playground

President’s Message
– Harty Street Management Committee President

Approved Kindergarten Program
Our play-based learning is developed and delivered to ensure that children leave Harty Street Kindergarten C&K prepared for school with a love of learning, as well as socially ready and equipped with newly developed skills useful for life.

Our Harty Street Kindergarten Staff

Mrs Anita Lockland
Kindergarten Director

Mrs Sara Keneally
Teacher at Harty Street since 1987 -1992 and 2009 onwards
(Pre-Kindy group and Thursday/Friday group)

Mrs Hayley Neal
B. Teaching (EC), B. Education (Inservice)
Teacher at Harty Street since 2007 (Monday/Tuesday group and Wednesday/Thursday/alt Friday group)

Mrs Karen Austin
Cert III Community Services (Children’s Services), Cert III Ed Support, B. Education EC, M.Ed (Special and Inclusive)
Teacher at Harty Street since 2023 (Monday/Tuesday (U2), alt Friday (U1)

Mrs Ange Connell
Bachelor of Teaching
Teaching Assistant (Thurs/Fri group)

Mrs Yukiko Steley
Teaching Assistant at Harty Street since 2022
(Monday/Tuesday group & Pre Kindy group)

Mrs Karen Moore
After-Kindy Care Assistant at Harty Street since 2019 (Mon/Tues)

Mrs Jenny Green
After-Kindy Care Group Leader at Harty Street since 2019 (Mon/Tues)

Mrs Zoe Salmon
Associate Degree in Educational studies (enrolled in Bachelor of Early Childhood)
Teaching Assistant (Monday-Friday)

Mrs Caroline Taylor
B.Engineering (Civil)
Committee Assistant since 2010
Harty Street Kindergarten Strategic Plan 2024 - 2029
The Harty Street Kindergarten Management Committee and Staff have been working on the latest Strategic Plan. Please click the picture above to view the latest version of the Harty Street Strategic Plan 2024 – 2025.
Harty Street Kindergarten Code of Conduct
Please click the picture above to view the latest version of the Harty Street Kindergarten Code of Conduct. This code may change at any time without prior notice. When any changes are made an updated version of the Code will be provided to current families.