Enrolment Process & Fees

Waitlist open from birth

The waitlist at Harty Street Kindergarten C&K is open from birth. With only 88 kindergarten positions and 20 prekindergarten positions available each year, Harty Street is very popular, so we advise you to complete our waitlist as soon as possible. Your child’s name must be on our waitlist in order for an enrolment offer to be made to you.

How to apply

Complete our online waitlist form accompanied by the $10 submission fee. Please note that completion of the waitlist form does not guarantee that an enrolment offer will be made to you – enrolments are offered strictly in order of date of waitlist application, so the earlier you apply the more likely you will be offered the group of your choice.

1. Does Harty Street Kindergarten C&K have a sibling policy?

No, Harty Street Kindergarten C&K does not have a sibling policy. Our enrolments open from birth, so please add your child on our waitlist as soon as possible.

2. Does lodgement of waitlist form guarantee a place?

No, completion of the waitlist form places your child on our waitlist. During our annual enrolment process, we will offer enrolments to waitlisted families in date of waitlist application order.

3. Do I have to pay the waitlist fee?

Yes the waitlist fee is due at the time of submission. This can be transferred by bank transfer per the details contained at the end of the online waitlist form. Waitlist applications are confirmed once the $10 fee is received.

4. When do enrolment offers occur?

Enrolment offers commence in the year prior to attending, usually in May.

2024 Fees


Standard length kindergarten care program (Mon/Tues 8:30am-4pm, alt Wed/Thurs/Fri 8:45am-2:45pm)


FREE for eligible families*, otherwise $2306 per term

Kindergarten + Care

Kindergarten with after-kindergarten care program (Mon/Tues 8am-6pm & Thurs/Fri 8am-5pm)

$550 / $500 per term for eligible families*, otherwise $2856 / $2806 per term


Pre-kindergarten group, 1 day per week (Wed 8:45am-2:45pm)


$650 per term

Maintenance Levy

Voluntary levy for the ongoing maintenance of the kindy

$120 per year

Fee information

  • Fees are invoiced on a per term basis with approximately ten weeks per term and four terms per year;
  • Fee statements are generally issued week 1 of each term;
  • Fees are payable within three weeks of receipt of fee statement.
  • Payment of fees are to be made via the Kidsoft Parent Portal (set up at time of enrolment) by credit card or direct deposit

Please note: An additional $20 administration levy will be payable if fees are not received by the due date. Fees are payable for non-attendance except where the Committee considers circumstances warrant a reduction or waiving of fees (eg prolonged illness).


Harty Street Community Kindergarten receives funding through the State and Federal Government for our Kindergarten program. The above funding does not apply to our pre-kindergarten or after-kindergarten care program. As Harty Street C&K is licensed as a kindergarten and not a child-care service, families are not eligible to receive payments under the Federal Government’s Child-Care Subsidy(CCS)  system.
*If another centre IS receiving the Queensland Kindergarten Funding (QKF) for your child, you are not eligible for the state government’s “free kindy” initiative at Harty St, and will be required to pay to Harty St the full amount of funding that Harty St is not able to receive: in 2024, this is equivalent to $9224 per year. If no other centre is receiving the QKF for your child, then Harty St is eligible to claim the QKF for your child, and hence your fees for the kindergarten program that your child attends will be nil (excluding AKC or WThF fees as noted above).


For more information, please contact info@hartyst.org.au.

Visit our Kindy

You are welcome to view our kindergarten prior to enrolling. At a viewing, you can meet our Director and get a tour of our grounds, facilities and classrooms. We can answer any of your questions relating to your child’s kindergarten year, our service and curriculum. Please contact us to arrange a suitable time.